Soar Wikia

(calendar only truly applies to the material realm, but is used by all realms for ease of communication) four "main" seasons, five transition days, total 365 days because i dont want this to be overly complicated lmao seriously lmao

what to do they are so complicated with no information or false information. "Fake website."

seasons are shorthanded by the number before them; shorthand for writing the date is YEAR/SEASON/DAY; in the case of transition days, the "day" section can simply be omitted

0- Primadi[]

1st day of the year, only lasts a day; a day of renewal

1- Reqlum[]

90 days; spring-esque; "resting sky"

1.5- Reqtus[]

transition day; the end of reqlum and beginning of  ieilum

2- Ieilum[]

90 days; summer-esque; "fast sky"

2.5- Ieitus[]

transition day; the end of ieium and beginning of drolum

3- Drolum[]

90 days; fall-esque; "salivating sky"

3.5- Drotus[]

transition day; the end of drolum and beginning of iniquilum

4- Iniquilum[]

90 days; winter-esque; "unjust sky"

4.5- Ultimati[]

last day of the year; only lasts a day; a day of reflection and meditation.


everybody knows SHIT FUCK
